Join us March 17th
for our
Annual Gala
Online Campaign March 12th & 13th

It's all about the children.
Torah Academy stresses the appreciation of learning through the development of fundamental knowledge and skills in small classes, with experienced, warm and caring teachers, and a family-oriented atmosphere, supportive environment from early morning through after school.

Preschool Ages 2-4
At Torah Academy, we believe that early childhood education is an integrated experience with developmentally appropriate learning and activities where instruction is provided by highly qualified, licensed persons in an environment of care and support.
Our goals and objectives for the Torah Tots program are to provide a warm and stimulating Jewish environment where your child can meet his/her individual social, intellectual, physical and emotional needs. Children are encouraged to learn by doing and experiencing through freedom of choice and exploration.
Children learn from planned activities that are cognitively and developmentally age appropriate. A rich Jewish environment with weekly Shabbos celebrations, holiday and cultural focus, Hebrew and music is intertwined with general educational concepts.
Our program is licensed by the State of Minnesota, Department of Human Services, Division of Licensing and accredited by the Minnesota Non-Public School Accreditation Association.
At Torah Academy, we believe that early childhood education is an integrated experience with developmentally appropriate learning and activities where instruction is provided by highly qualified, licensed persons in an environment of care and support.
Our goals and objectives for the Torah Tots program are to provide a warm and stimulating Jewish environment where your child can meet his/her individual social, intellectual, physical and emotional needs. Children are encouraged to learn by doing and experiencing through freedom of choice and exploration.
Children learn from planned activities that are cognitively and developmentally age appropriate. A rich Jewish environment with weekly Shabbos celebrations, holiday and cultural focus, Hebrew and music is intertwined with general educational concepts.
Our program is licensed by the State of Minnesota, Department of Human Services, Division of Licensing and accredited by the Minnesota Non-Public School Accreditation Association.

Lower School Grades K-5
The elementary students at Torah Academy work to build a solid foundation of Hebrew words and Torah knowledge. As the students move along the path toward middle school they enter with a great understanding of Torah principles.
In the General Studies program our students build a solid foundation of core knowledge based on the Common Core Standards. The standards are then enhanced with Accelerated Reader and Accelerated Math programs which are integrated into their general classrooms. Students may qualify for the Talented and Gifted program or Shaarim for those with special needs.
Technology is integrated into various aspects of the curriculum where our youngest students work on basic computer skills and software. As they move into the intermediate level grades they learn how to type, author papers, create power points, movies, and animation in addition to learning proper research in the computer lab and library. Students participate in art and physical education. Grade appropriate field trips are offered as well as on-site presentations.

Upper School Grades 6-8
Torah Academy students are prepared for the rigor of attending a Yeshiva or any other high school. Our staff is frequently complemented on the level of understanding the students have of Torah when visiting prospective schools.
In the General Studies program our students enter high school with a solid foundation build on the Common Core Standards. Many students qualify for honors level courses in both Yeshiva and public high school. Torah Academy students have won awards for poetry and creative writing. Middle school students also have opportunities for advance placement work within their regular general studies classes.
Technology is integrated into various aspects of the curriculum where students author papers, create power points, movies, and animation in addition to learning proper research in the computer lab and library. Students participate in physical education daily.
Middle School students participate in Accelerated Reader and Accelerated Math programs which are integrated into their general classrooms. Others qualify for special programs of Talented and Gifted or Shaarim for those with special needs.